16th Jun 2022

Self Priming RD-RG-RC-RB pumps for new waste to energy plant in Hull


ENGIE Fabricom in the UK has a wealth of 40 years’ experience in the Oil, Gas, Power, Chemical, Energy From Waste and Renewables industries.

Humber is the biggest exporter of waste to Europe – hundreds of thousands of tonnes are loaded onto ships bound for environmentally conscious Scandinavia and Germany, where it is used to fuel district heating plants.

In 2017, a £200m power plant was built in Hull to intercept 250,000 tonnes of mostly black bin ‘residual’ household waste from councils across the UK, which has already had valuable steel and non-ferrous metals like aluminium taken out. The project doesn’t involve incineration, but a process called fluidised bed gasification where waste is suspended in air. Without sufficient oxygen to burn it, it turns into ash and gives off a “syngas.” Essentially it breaks it down to smaller molecules which gives a much purer combustion process. The power for the boiler is gas not waste.

ENGIE Fabricom provided engineering and design of the Water Steam Cycle. It commissioned Crest Pumps to supply eight RD-RG-RC-RB pumps, 4 of which with priming chambers for pumping effluent water at <300m3/hr. The pumps were delivered to spec and on time.


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