16th Jun 2022OVIVO saved time and running costs by choosing the Crest AMA range, built uniquely for OVIVO to their specification for a desalination plant in Saudi Arabia
OVIVO were part of a $3.3bn project in Saudi Arabia for Hyundai Heavy Industries to build two new desalination and thermal power plants. OVIVO had a very specific set of requirements which included the pumps manufactured from EFTE (due to its vast chemical and high temperature resistance), along with a very detailed specification for marine grade paint and specially adapted baseplates.
Crest supplied the magnetically driven AMA range of highly efficient and highly durable chemical process pumps. After carrying out a Life Cycle Cost comparison with the client, it was estimated that the higher efficiency would save the user <23% on pump energy costs compared to other bidders.
OVIVO later informed us that Crest were chosen, not only due to pump efficiency, but also because they could rely on us to meet the standards required and deliver the job on time.